Announcement date: 18 July 2018
“Vojvodina and Bács-Kiskun Night Sky as a Novel Touristic Attraction”, a project also known as VoBaNISTA (ID: HUSRB/1602/31/0197), which is being implemented within the Interreg-IPA CBC Hungary-Serbia Programme, organizes an Astronomical Camp on Letenka, Fruška Gora, Serbia, between 19 July and 22 July 2018.
The camp is intended for high-school and university students, amateur astronomers from the region, as well as the general public. This event will introduce the public to objects visible in the night sky through telescopes, and through various lectures, it will provide general information about astronomy, light pollution and emphasize the importance of preservation of the quality of night sky. Amateur astronomers will be given the opportunity to enjoy the night sky at the National Park Fruška Gora and observe night sky objects without light pollution associated to urban areas.
The attendance is free-of-charge and registration will be available on site.