Following the application submission, the Certification generated by IMIS 2014-2020 must be signed and stamped by the legal representatives of all potential Beneficiaries and it must be submitted to the Joint Secretariat of the Programme in a sealed envelope.
Potential Beneficiaries are required to follow the delivery procedure, as outlined in the Guidelines for Applicants of the Second Call for Proposals.
Required information on the envelope:
- The address to which the Certification is submitted;
- The full name and address of the Lead Beneficiary;
- The project ID assigned by the IMIS 2014-2020;
- The acronym of the Application (as indicated in the Application Form);
- Statement: » HUSRB/1602 Project Application – Not to be opened before the Opening Session: Interreg-IPA CBC Hungary-Serbia «
Delivery methods:
- by registered mail or by courier service by 7 February 2017, 24:00 (midnight) Central European Time (CET) as evidenced by the date on the postal stamp;
- in-person delivery by 7 February 2017, 16:00 CET.
Delivery address:
Joint Secretariat, Interreg-IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Hungary-Serbia
Szechenyi Program Office Nonprofit Llc.
H-1053 Budapest, Szép utca 2, 4. em
Certifications sent by any other means (e.g. by fax, e-mail, etc.) or delivered at any other address than the stated one will be rejected.
For any additional information or clarification, Potential Beneficiaries may contact the Joint Secretariat.