The Joint Secretariat and the Joint Secretariat Antenna of the Programme will organize Info Days, full-day seminars on both sides of the Hungary-Serbia border intended for the potential Applicants within the Third Call for Proposals.
In Hungary, the Programme will host two events:
- Kecskemét, on 30 July 2019, 09:30–16:00, at Bács-Kiskun Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara, 6000 Kecskemét, Árpád krt. 4.
Registration deadline: Sunday, 28 July 2019.
- Szeged, on 27 August 2019, 09:30–16:00 - Art Hotel, 16 Somogyi Street, 6720 Szeged
Due to the high interest and the venues' capacity, attendance at the events requires prior registration. You may register by sending an e-mail to, specifying: the event you will attend, the name of the represented organisation/institution and the name(s) of attendee(s).
Info Days seminars will introduce the potential Applicants with the application process, as well as with the Programme features and its overall goals. They will be good occasions to pose questions to the Programme Managers and have direct consultations. Further consultations and assistance will be available to potential Applicants through the Joint Secretariat and the Joint Secretariat Antenna of the Programme.
Below is the Agenda of the events.