The European Commission approves the Interreg VI-A IPA Hungary - Serbia programme!
The European Commission (EC) approved the new Interreg IPA programme between Hungary and Serbia, on October 14, 2022.
The total EU contribution to the Programme (ERDF/IPA-Instrument for Pre Accession Assistance) is € 63,550,000. Taking into consideration the national counterpart (including also the own contribution of project partners), the total budget of the new Interreg VI-A IPA Hungary-Serbia Programme is € 74,764,705. The new Programme will be implemented within the 2021-2027 financial perspective.
The eligible area of the Programme includes the following NUTS III, or equivalent territorial units:
In Hungary:
- Csongrád-Csanád county -HU333
- Bács-Kiskun county -HU331
In Serbia:
- West Bačka (Zapadnobački upravni okrug) -RS121
- North Bačka (Severnobački upravni okrug) -RS125
- North Banat (Severnobanatski upravni okrug) -RS124
- South Bačka (Južnobački upravni okrug) -RS123
- Central Banat (Srednjobanatski upravni okrug) -RS126
- South Banat (Južnobanatski upravni okrug) -RS122
- Srem (Sremski upravni okrug) -RS127
The Programme will focus on the following Priorities and Programme objectives:
Priority 1: A greener region
- Objective 1.1: Climate change adaptation, risk prevention (SO 2.4)
- Objective 1.2: Biodiversity and reduced pollution (SO 2.7)
Priority 2: Enhancing the human and cultural values
- Objective 2.1: Education and lifelong learning (SO 4.2)
- Objective 2.2: Culture and tourism (SO 4.6)
Priority 3: Cross-border institutional and civil cooperation
- Objective 3.1: Harmonious neighbourly relations through cooperation (ISO1)
- Objective 3.2: Border crossing management (ISO2)
For the updates on the future call for proposals within the new Interreg VI-A IPA CBC Hungary-Serbia Programme, please check our website regularly: