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A legfrissebb közlemények, hírek és médiával kapcsolatos tartalmak 

29. December 2020.

Interreg+, the new information and monitoring system

A new information and monitoring system is introduced for the Interreg programmes implemented with Hungarian Managing Authority. The INTERREG+ (I+) platform will be used for reporting by the Beneficiaries of the 3rd Call for Proposals.

The structure and the screens of the new system are similar to the previous one (IMIS 2014-2020), but its look and the operation is much improved based on the experience gained in the previous years. The main goal of the developer was to create an easy-to-understand operation with a user-friendly surface.

The first Beneficiary Reports within Interreg+ are expected in the end of January 2021. The system was introduced to the Beneficiaries on the Beneficiary Seminars that were held in September for the Hungarian partners and on this week for the Serbian partners.

The operation of the system is presented by the I+ Team on a tutorial video. The video is available on the following link:

A user manual is also issued to the platform, which can be downloaded from below.


Update - 14.01.2021: The 'User Manual for the User Managment Tool for INTERREG+ IT System' is also available and can be downloaded from below.

Update - 22.02.2021: The 'User Manual for the User Managment Tool for INTERREG+ IT System' has been updated and the 'User Manual for the Project Report for INTERREG+ IT System' has been uploaded.


A következő dokumentumok tölthetők le:
INTERREG+_Beneficiary_Report_Front _Office_User_manual_HUSRB interreg-beneficiary-report-front-office-user-manual-husrb.pdf
INTERREG+_Project_Report_Front _Office_User_manual_HUSRB interreg-project-report-front-office-user-manual-husrb.pdf
User Manual for Front Office Users - INTERREG+ User Management Tool user-manual-for-front-office-users-interreg-user-management-tool.pdf

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